Asymptotic Notation

  • considering asymptotic run-times.
  • how does runtime scale with input size.

Big O

  • clarifies growth rate.
  • cleans up notation.
  • can ignore complicated details.
  • Big-O is only asymptotic and loses important information about constant multiples.

$$ O(n^2) \approx 3n^2 + 5n + 2 $$

$$ O(n) \approx n + log_2(n) + sin(n) $$

$$ O(n \medspace log(n)) \approx 4n \medspace log_2(n) + 7 $$

Common Rules

Notation Graph

O(1)Constant TimeRemains unchanged irrespective of input dataChecking if a stack is empty
O(log n)Logarithmic TimeComplexity increases by one unit for each doubling of input dataFinding an item in a balanced search tree
O(n)Linear TimeIncreases linearly with the size of the input dataLinear traversal of a list
O(n log n)Log-Linear TimeComplexity grows as a combination of linear and logarithmicMerge sort on a collection of items
O(n^2)Quadratic TimeTime taken is proportional to the square of the number of elementsChecking all possible pairs in an array
O(n^3)Polynomial TimeComputation is proportional to the cube of the number of elementsMatrix multiplication of n x n matrices
O(2^n)Exponential TimeTime doubles for every new element addedGenerating all subsets of a given set
O(n!)Factorial TimeComplexity grows factorially based on the size of the datasetDetermining all permutations of a given list

Logarithms Rules

$$ log_a(n^k) = k\space log_a\space n $$

$$ log_a(nm) = log_an + log_an $$

$$ n^{log_ab} = b^{log_an} $$

$$ log_a\space n\cdot log_b\space a = log_b\space n $$


$$ log_3 \medspace 81 == 3^x = 81, x = 4 $$

$$ log_k n == k^x = n, x\space and\space k\space are\space constants $$

Time Complexity

  • time is a sum of the times required.
  • is a mathematical notation to describe the algorithm’s performance or complexity of an algorithm.
  • specifically how long an algorithm takes to run as the input size grows.
  • it allows to analyze and compare the efficiency of different algorithms
  • also make informed decisions about which one to use in a given situation.

Space Complexity

  • memory is a measure of maximal heap and stack utilization.
  • primitive variables (booleans, numbers, undefined, null) are constant space O(1)
  • strings require O(n) space (where n is the string length)
  • reference types are generally O(n), where n is the length (for arrays) or the number or keys (for objects)

Data Structures

  • are collections of values
  • the relationships among them
  • the functions or operations that can be applied to the data
  • commonly used data structures in JavaScript: array and object


  • contiguous and indexed in order
  • insertion and deletion can be expensive
  • lookup is great - can quickly be accessed at a specific index
  • easy to sort
  • small size-wise
  • stuck with fixed size, no flexibility

Linked List

  • insertion/deletion is easy.
  • lookup is bad - have to rely on linear search
  • relatively difficult to sort, instead sort as you construct
  • relatively small size wise (not as small as arrays)

Note: Searching a value could be expensive while using linked list, however if you need to perform insertion and deletion in a large data set then it could be the better option than an array

Singly-Linked List

node1(value | next) --> node2(value | next) --> node3(value | next) --> NULL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node
    int number;
    struct node *next;
} node;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    node *list = NULL;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        int number = atoi(argv[i]);
        node *new = malloc(sizeof(node));

        // Handling allocation error.
        if (new == NULL)
            return 1;

        // Assigning number.
        new->number = number;
        new->next = NULL;

        // If list is empty
        if (list == NULL)
            list = new;
        // If new number is small, insert at the beginning.
        else if (new->number < list->number)
            new->next = list;
            list = new;
        // if belongs later in the list
            for (node *ptr = list; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
                // if end of the list
                if (ptr->next == NULL)
                    ptr->next = new;

                // if in the middle of list
                if (new->number < ptr->next->number)
                    new->next = ptr->next;
                    ptr->next = new;

    // new pointer to point all the list
    node *ls_ptr = list;

    while (ls_ptr != NULL)
        printf("%i\n", ls_ptr->number);
        ls_ptr = ls_ptr->next;

    return 0;
  • do not have indexes
  • connected via nodes with a next pointer
  • random access is not allowed
  • not applicable for binary searching.
  • can only move in one direction.
  • Time Complexity:
    • Insertion:
      • O(1) if unsorted (beginning)
      • O(n) if in sorted.
    • Deletion: Depends O(1) or O(n)
    • Search: O(n)
    • Access: O(n)

Doubly-Linked List

  • has one more pointer previous than singly linked list.
  • takes up more memory but has more flexibility than singly linked list.
  • allows to move forward and backward through the list.
  • Time Complexity:
    • Insertion: O(1)
    • Deletion: O(1)
    • Search: O(n)
    • Access: O(n)


  • implementation using as an array or Linked List (LIFO).
  • insert at the beginning and remove at the beginning.
  • two operation: push and pop.
  • Time Complexity:
    • Insertion: O(1)
    • Deletion: O(1)
    • Searching: O(n)
    • Access: O(n)


  • implementation using as an array or a Linked List (FIFO).
  • insert at the end and remove at the beginning.
  • two operations: enqueue and dequeue.
  • Time Complexity:
    • Insertion: O(1)
    • Deletion: O(1)
    • Searching: O(n)
    • Access: O(n)


  • stores in a form of key (word) and value (definition).
  • data structures like: arrays, hash tables.

Trees [DRAFT]

Binary Search Trees

  • Time Complexity
    • Searching - O(log n)


  • tree of an arrays.
  • combines structures and pointers together to store data.
  • data can be searched through roadmap.
  • no collisions
  • not widely used because huge NULL pointers (trade-off)
  • insertion is complex - lot of dynamic memory allocations
  • deletion is easy - just free a node
  • lookup is fast - not fast as an array (but almost)
  • already sorted
  • rapidly becomes huge, even very little data present.
  • not great if space is at a premium
  • Time Complexity
    • Searching - O(k) -> constant value k -> O(1)


  • function in math or code that takes any number of inputs and maps them to a finite number of outputs (range).
  • a good hash function
    • always give the same value for the same input (be deterministic)
    • use only and all (buckets) the data being hashed
    • an even (uniform) distribution of data across buckets
    • generate very different hash codes for very similar data
  • analogy: separating different patterns in a cards. shuffled card to -> spade, heart, diamond, club
HASH_MAX = 100;

unsigned int hash(char & str)
    int sum = 0;

    for (int j = 0; star[j] != "\0"; j++)
        sum += str[j];

    return sum % HASH_MAX;

Hash Tables

  • array of linked lists.
  • allows random access ability of an array.
  • widely used.
  • insertion is two step process - hash and add
  • deletion is easy - once found
  • lookup is on average better than linked lists (we have constant factor)
  • not an ideal data structure for sorting. (trade off)
  • also called hash map.
  • example: maps and sets
  • Time Complexity
    • Searching - O(n) or ~O(1)
    • Insertion - ~O(1)
    • Deletion - ~O(1)


  • occurs when two pieces of data, when run through the hash function, yield the same hash code.
  • shouldn’t simply overwrite it.
Linear probing
  • we try to place the data in the next consecutive element in the array.
  • such that, if not find directly, can be find nearby.
  • subject to a problem called clustering.
  • every element of the array hold multiple pieces of data.
  • each element of the array is a pointer to the head of a linked list.
  • multiple pieces of data can yield the same hash code.

Binary Heap

Priority Queue


Searching Algorithms

AlgorithmsTime Complexity (Worst)Time Complexity (Average)Time Complexity (Best)Space Complexity
Linear SearchO(n)Θ(n)Ω(1)O(1)
Binary SearchO(log n)Θ(log n)Ω(1)O(1)
  • algorithm iterate across the array from left to right, searching for a specified element.
  • O(n) - look through entire array of n elements.
  • Ω(1) - target is the first element, can stop immediately.
  • should be sorted.
  • algorithm divide and conquer, reducing the search area by half each time, trying to find a target number.
  • O(log n) - split array of n element in half repeatedly to find target, either element exist or doesn’t exist.
  • Ω(1) - target element is at the midpoint of the full array, and so we can stop looking immediately after we start.

Sorting Algorithms

AlgorithmsTime Complexity (Worst)Time Complexity (Average)Time Complexity (Best)Space Complexity
Bubble SortO(n2)Θ(n2)Ω(n)O(1)
Selection SortO(n2)Θ(n2)Ω(n2)O(1)
Insertion SortO(n2)Θ(n2)Ω(n)O(1)
Merge SortO(n log n)Θ(n log n)Ω(n log n)O(n)

Bubble sort

  • algorithm to move higher valued elements generally towards the right and lower value elements generally towards the left.
  • O(n2) - array in reverse order, bubble “n” elements n times.
  • Ω(n) - array is already perfectly sorted, we make no swaps on the first pass.

Selection sort

  • algorithm is to find the smallest unsorted element and add it to the end of the sorted list
  • O(n2) - iterate over each of the n element of array, repeating this process n times. only one element sorted at each pash
  • Ω(n2) - no guarantee the array is sorted until we go through this process.

Merge sort

  • algorithm is to sort smaller arrays and then combine those arrays together (merge them) in sorted order
  • O(n log n) - split n elements up and then recombine them, doubling the sorted sub-arrays as we build them up.
  • Ω(n log n) - array is perfectly sorted, still have to split and recombine them back together with algorithm.
Module: to demonstrate merge sorting

def merge(left, right):
    """Merging two lists"""
    li, ri = 0, 0
    merged_lists = []

    # compare smallest to the list.
    while li < len(left) and ri < len(right):
        if left[li] <= right[ri]:
            li += 1
            ri += 1

    # add all remaining
    merged_lists += left[li:]
    merged_lists += right[ri:]

    return merged_lists

def merge_sort(lists):
    """Merge sort function"""
    half = len(lists) // 2

    if len(lists) == 1:
        return lists

    return merge(merge_sort(lists[:half]), merge_sort(lists[half:]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    output = merge_sort([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1])


Radix sort

Insertion sort

Algorithms and it’s Applications



  • the function that calls itself as part of execution, elegant because no other function, no loops.
  • search recursion in Google.

Fibonacci Series

  • developed to study rabbit populations.
  • after n generation, it gives number of rabbits it has.

$$ F_n {\geq} 2^{n/2} for, n {\geq} 6 $$

Module: Fibonacci series

import os


def fibonacci_slow(position):
    """Recursive fibonacci function"""
    if position <= 1:
        return position

    response = fibonacci_slow(position - 1) + fibonacci_slow(position - 2)

    return response

memo = []

def fibonacci_memoized(position):
    """Memoized approach of fibonacci function"""
    if position <= 1:
        return position

    if position in memo:
        return memo[position]

    return fibonacci_memoized(position - 1) + fibonacci_memoized(position - 2)

def fibonacci_bottom_up(n):
    """Bottom up approach of Fibonacci"""
    prev = 0
    nxt = 1
    count = 0

    while count < n:
        print(nxt, end=" ")

        total = prev + nxt
        prev, nxt = nxt, total

        count += 1

def fibonacci_dynamic(n):
    Dynamic programming approach of fibonacci function.
    => Memoization + Bottom-up
    series = [0, 1]

    for position in range(2, n + 1):
        series.append(series[position - 1] + series[position - 2])

    return series

if __name__ == "__main__":
    TOTAL_SIZE = 10

    print("Fibonacci Slow - O(2^n)")
    for i in range(1, TOTAL_SIZE + 1):
        res = fibonacci_slow(i)
        print(res, end=" ")

    print("\nFibonacci Memoized - O(n)")
    for i in range(1, TOTAL_SIZE + 1):
        res = fibonacci_memoized(i)
        print(res, end=" ")

    print("\nFibonacci Bottom-up - O(n)")

    print("\nFibonacci Dynamic - O(n)")
    output = fibonacci_dynamic(TOTAL_SIZE)
# Output
Fibonacci Slow - O(2^n)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
Fibonacci Memoized - O(n)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
Fibonacci Bottom-up - O(n)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
Fibonacci Dynamic - O(n)
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Collatz Conjecture

Module: collatz conjecture applies to positive integers and
speculates that it is always possible to get "back to 1"

import os


def collatz(position):
    """Recursive collatz conjecture function"""
    print(int(position), end="")

    if position <= 1:
        return 0

    print(end=" -> ")
    if position % 2 == 0:
        return 1 + collatz(position / 2)
        return 1 + collatz(3 * position + 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for i in range(1, 11):
# Output
2 -> 1
3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
4 -> 2 -> 1
5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
6 -> 3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1

DSA against Problem

  1. If we are dealing with top/maximum/minimum/closest ‘K’ elements among ‘N’ elements, we will be using a Heap.

  2. If the given input is a sorted array or a list, we will either be using Binary Search or the Two Pointers strategy.

  3. If we need to try all combinations (or permutations) of the input, we can either use Backtracking or Breadth First Search.

  4. Most of the questions related to Trees or Graphs can be solved either through Breadth First Search or Depth First Search.

  5. Every recursive solution can be converted to an iterative solution using Stack.

  6. For a problem involving arrays, if there exists a solution in O(n^2) time and O(1) space, there must exist two other solutions:

    • Using a HashMap or a Set for O(n) time and O(n) space,
    • Using sorting for O(n log n) time and O(1) space.
  7. If a problem is asking for optimization (e.g., maximization or minimization), we will be using Dynamic Programming.

  8. If we need to find some common substring among a set of strings, we will be using a HashMap or a Trie.

  9. If we need to search/manipulate a bunch of strings, Trie will be the best data structures.

  10. If the problem is related to a LinkedList and we can’t use extra space, then use the Fast & Slow Pointer approach.
