
Container orchestration automates the container lifecycle of containerized applications resulting in faster deployments, reduced errors, higher availability, and more robust security. The container lifecycle include:

  • Deployment
  • Management
  • Scaling
  • Networking
  • Availability

Container orchestration is a critical part of an organization’s orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) requirements. Some features:

  • Defines container images and registry
  • Improves provisioning and deployment
  • Secure network connectivity
  • Ensures availability and performance
  • Manages scalability and load balancing
  • Resource allocation and scheduling
  • Rolling updates and roll backs
  • Conducting health checks and automated error handling

Benefits of Container Orchestration:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Faster Deployment
  • Reduced Costs
  • Stronger Security
  • Easier Scaling
  • Faster Error Recovery

How it works?

  • uses configuration files written in YAML or JSON uses to find resources, establish a network and store logs
  • automatically schedules the deployment of new container to a cluster, finds the right host based on predefined settings or restrictions
  • manages the container’s lifecycle based on specifications in the configuration file includes system parameters (like CPU and memory), and file parameters (like proximity and file metadata)
  • supports scaling and enhances productivity, through automation


  • Apache Mesos’s Marathon framework - open-source cluster manager, scales container infrastructure by automating the bulk of management and monitoring tasks
  • HashiCorp’s Nomad - free, open-source cluster management and scheduling tools, supports various app types on all major operating systems
  • Docker Swarm - open-source container orchestration platform, automates deployment of containerized apps, specifically to work with Docker Engine and other Docker tools
  • zGoogle’s Kubernetes - standard for open-source container orchestration platforms, robust feature set, broadly supported, maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)


  • referred as (k8s), is system for automating deployment,scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • automates a host of container management tasks including
    • deployment,
    • storage provisioning,
    • load balancing and scaling,
    • service discovery, and
    • “self-healing”— the ability to restart, replace or remove a failed container.

Is Not

  • traditional, all-inclusive as a service (PaaS)
  • rigid or opinionated but a flexible model that supports a diverse variety of workloads and containerized applications.
  • does not provide CI/CD pipelines to deploy source code or build applications
  • does not prescribe logging, monitoring, or alerting solutions
  • does not provide built-in middleware, databases, or other services


  • Automated rollouts of changes to application or configuration, health monitoring, ensures instances are running, and rolling back changes
  • Storage orchestration that mounts a chosen storage system including local storage, network storage, or public cloud
  • Horizontal scaling of workloads based on metrics, or via commands
  • Automated bin packing that increases utilization and cost savings using a mix of critical and best-effort workloads. Automated bin packing performs container auto-placement based on resource requirements and conditions without sacrificing high availability (HA)
  • Secret and configuration management of sensitive information including passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys, and handles deployments and updates to secrets and configuration without rebuilding images
  • assigns both dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services
  • manages batch execution and continuous integration workloads and automatically replaces failed containers
  • self-heals failing or unresponsive containers, exposes containers to clients only if healthy and running
  • discovers Pods using IP addresses or a DNS name, and load balances traffic for better performance and high availability
  • easily extensible by adding or providing additional features to Kubernetes cluster without modifying source code




  • A deployment of Kubernetes is called a Kubernetes cluster, is a cluster of nodes that runs containerized applications
  • Each cluster has one master node (the Kubernetes Control Plane) and one or more worker nodes

Control Plane

  • The control plane maintains the intended cluster state by making decisions about the cluster and detecting and responding to events in the cluster

An example of a decision made by the control plane is the scheduling of workloads. An example of responding to an event is creating new resources when an application is deployed.

  • the Kubernetes API server exposes the Kubernetes API. The API server serves as the front-end for the control plane
  • all communication in the cluster utilizes this API, kube-apiserver which is designed to scale horizontally—by deploying more instances and balance traffic between them

An example the Kubernetes API server accepts commands to view or change the state of the cluster.

  • highly available, distributed key value store that contains all the cluster data
  • stores deployment configuration data, desired state, and meta data in a way that can be accessed in a common location
  • defines the state in a Kubernetes cluster, and the system works to bring the actual state to match the desired state
  • assigns newly created Pods to nodes, means it determines where workloads should run within the cluster
  • selects the most optimal node according to Kubernetes scheduling principles, configuration options, and available resources
kube-controller manager
  • runs all the controller processes that monitor the cluster state
  • ensure the actual state of a cluster matches the desired state
cloud-controller manager
  • runs controllers that interact with the underlying cloud providers
  • effectively link clusters into a cloud provider’s API
  • allows both Kubernetes and the cloud providers to evolve freely without introducing dependencies on the other

Worker Nodes

  • are the worker machines in a Kubernetes cluster, user applications are run on nodes, can be virtual or physical machines
  • are not created by Kubernetes itself, but rather by the cloud provider, allowing Kubernetes to run on a variety of infrastructures
  • are then managed by the control plane and contain the services necessary to run applications
  • include pods, which are the smallest deployment entity in Kubernetes; pods include one or more containers
  • containers share all the resources of the node and can communicate among themselves

  • is the most important component of a worker node, this controller communicates with the kube-apiserver to receive new and modified pod specifications
  • ensure that the pods and their associated containers are running as desired
  • reports to the control plane on the pods’ health and status
  • to start a pod, the kubelet uses the container runtime
Container runtime
  • is responsible for downloading images and running containers
  • rather than providing a single container runtime, Kubernetes implements a Container Runtime Interface that permits pluggability of the container runtime
  • Docker is likely the best-known runtime, Podman and Cri-o are two other commonly used container runtimes
  • is a network proxy that runs on each node in a cluster
  • maintains network rules that allow communication to Pods running on nodes — in other words, communication to workloads running on your cluster
  • This communication can come from within or outside of the cluster

Objects Terms

  • software object - a bundle of data that has an identity, a state, and a behavior.
    • Example include variables, data structures, and specific functions.
  • entity - a person, place, or thing with an identity and associated data.
    • Example in banking, a customer account is an entity.
  • persistent - that lasts even if there is a server failure or network attack.
    • Example is persistent storage.

Kubernetes Objects

  • Kubernetes objects are persistent entities. Example: Pods, Namespaces, ReplicaSets, Deployments, and more.
  • Kubernetes objects consist of two main fields:
    • object spec - provided by user and defines desired state
    • status - provided by Kubernetes and defines current state
  • Kubernetes works towards matching the current state to the desired state.
  • To work with these objects, use the Kubernetes API directly with the client libraries, and the kubectl command-line interface, or both

Labels and selectors

  • Labels are key/value pairs attached to objects.
    • Intended for identification of objects.
    • Not unique. Many objects can have the same labels.
    • Helps to organize and group objects.
  • Label selectors are the core grouping method in Kubernetes.
    • Identify and group a set of objects.

Namespaces and names

  • Namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster.
  • This is useful when teams share a cluster for cost-saving purposes or for maintaining multiple projects in isolation.
  • There are different patterns of working with namespaces.
    • There may be only one namespace for a user who works with one team which only has one project that is deployed into a cluster.
    • Alternatively, there may be many teams or projects, or users with different needs, where additional namespaces may be created.
  • Namespaces provide a scope for the names of objects
    • Each object must have a unique name
    • Names are uniques for that resource type within that namespace


  • is the simplest unit in Kubernetes
  • represents a process or a single instance of an application running in the cluster.
  • encapsulates one or more containers
  • replicating a pod serves to scale applications horizontally
  • YAML files are used to define the objects that you want to create.
  • The YAML files shown defines a simple pod.
  • A PodSpec must contain at least one container.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod # kind of object to be created
  name: nginx
spec: # provides the appropriate fields for the object
  containers: # container and will run in this Pod
    - name: nginx # name of container
      image: nginx:1.7.9 # image that will run in Pod
      ports: # port that container exposes
        - containerPort: 80


  • is a set of identical running replicas of a Pod that are horizontally scale
  • the configuration files for a ReplicaSet and a Pod are different from each other
  • the replicas field specifies the number of replicas that should be running at any given time.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: nginx-replicaset
    app: nginx
  replica: 3 # creates/deletes Pods to meet the desired number of replicas
  selector: # selector to identify which pods it can acquire
      app: nginx # same as template labels below
    template: # defines the Pods that should be created by the ReplicaSet
          app: nginx # same as matchLabels above
          - name: nginx
            image: nginx:1.7.9
              - containerPort: 80

Note: Creating ReplicaSets directly is not recommended. Instead, create a Deployment, which is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and offers more features and better control.


  • is a higher-level object that provides updates for both Pods and ReplicaSets.
    • run multiple replicas of an application using ReplicaSets
    • are suitable for stateless applications
  • for stateful applications, Stateful Sets are used
  • One key feature provided by Deployments but not by ReplicaSets is rolling updates
  • A rolling update scales up a new version to the appropriate number of replicas and scales down the old version to zero replicas
  • The ReplicaSet ensures that the appropriate number of Pods exist, while the Deployment orchestrates the roll out of a new version
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:1.7.9
            - containerPort: 80


  • is a REST object, like Pods
  • are a logical abstraction for a set of Pods in a cluster
  • provide policies for accessing the Pods and cluster
  • act as a load balancer across the Pods
  • is assigned a unique IP address for accessing applications deployed on Pods
  • eliminates the need for a separate service discovery process.

Service Properties:

  • supports multiple protocols such as TCP, which is the default protocol, UDP, and others
  • supports multiple port definitions
    • The port number with the same name can vary in each backend Pod
  • can have an optional selector and can optionally map incoming ports to a targetPort

Why a Service is needed:

  • is needed because Pods in a cluster are volatile, can be destroyed and new Pods can be created at any time
  • this volatility leads to discoverability issues because of changing IP addresses
  • it keeps track of Pod changes and exposes a single IP address or a DNS name
  • utilizes selectors to target a set of Pods

Service types

  • is the default and most common service type
  • assigns a cluster-internal IP address to the ClusterIP Service that makes the Service only reachable within the cluster.
  • cannot make requests to Service from outside the cluster.
  • You can set the ClusterIP address in the Service definition file
  • provides Inter-service communication within the cluster

  • an extension of ClusterIP Service
  • creates and routes the incoming requests automatically to the ClusterIP Service
  • exposes the Service on each Node’s IP address at a static port
  • exposes a single Service with no load-balancing requirements for multiple services.

Note that for security purposes, production use is not recommended.

External Load Balancer (ELB)

  • an extension of the NodePort Service
  • creates NodePort and ClusterIP Services automatically
  • integrates and automatically directs traffic to the NodePort Service with a cloud provider’s ELB
  • To expose a Service to the Internet, you need a new ELB with an IP address
  • You can use a cloud provider’s ELB to host your cluster.
External Name

  • maps to a DNS name and not to any selector
  • requires a spec.externalName parameter
  • maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field that returns a CNAME record and its value
  • can use an External name to create a Service that represents external storage and enable Pods from different namespaces to talk to each other


  • is an API object that, when combined with a controller, provides routing rules to manage external users’ access to multiple services in a Kubernetes cluster
  • in production, Ingress exposes applications to the Internet via port 80 (for HTTP) or port 443 (for HTTPS)
  • while the cluster monitors Ingress, an external Load Balancer is expensive and is managed outside the cluster
  • acts as a supervisor for external access, exposing routes from outside the cluster to internal services
  • adheres to rules defined on the Ingress resource to regulate traffic routing.
FeatureIngress ObjectsIngress Controllers
DefinitionAPI object managing external access to servicesCluster resource implementing rules specified by Ingress
Primary FunctionRegulates external access routingImplements rules, fulfilling the Ingress
Configuration SourceRules defined on the Ingress resourceReads and processes information from the Ingress object
Traffic HandlingManages HTTP and HTTPS routesUtilizes load balancer, configures frontends for traffic
ActivationActive upon configuration with Ingress resourceMust be explicitly running for Ingress to function
Handling ProtocolsFocused on HTTP and HTTPSImplements rules for various protocols and ports
Automatic StartupActivated with configurationRequires explicit activation in the cluster
AnalogyTraffic rule set for the clusterExecutor, similar to Nginx instance handling rules


  • is an object that makes sure that Nodes run a copy of a Pod
  • As nodes are added to a cluster, Pods are added to the nodes
  • Pods are garbage collected when removed from a cluster
  • If you delete a DaemonSet, all Pods are removed
  • are ideally used for storage, logs, and monitoring nodes


  • is an object that manages stateful applications
  • manages deployment and scaling of Pods
  • provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of Pods
  • maintains a sticky identity for each Pod request
  • provides persistent storage volumes for your workloads


  • job creates Pods and tracks the Pod completion process
  • are retried until completed
  • Deleting a job will remove the created Pods
  • Suspending a Job will delete its active Pods until the job resumes
  • can run several Pods in parallel
  • a CronJob is regularly used to create Jobs on an iterative schedule

Kubectl - The Kubernetes Command Line Tool

kubectl [command] [type] [name] [flags]

  [command] = operation performed (create, get, apply, delete)
  [type]    = resource type (pod, deployment, replicaset)
  [name]    = resource name (if applicable)
  [flags]   = special options or modifiers that override default values

kubectl get services
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get deployment my-dep
kubectl get pods -o wide

Key command types:

  • Imperative commands
# No audit trails
kubectl run nginx --image nginx
  • Imperative object configuration
# Inconsistency if changed configuration aren't merged
kubectl create -f nginx.yaml
  • Declarative object configuration
# operation are identified by Kubectl, not the user
# ideal for production systems
kubectl apply -f nginx/

Kubernetes Anti-patterns

Avoid baking configuration in container images

Containers offer the advantage of using a consistent image throughout the production process. To achieve adaptability across different environments, building images without embedding configuration directly into containers is essential.

Issue: Problems arise when images contain environment-specific artifacts that deviate from the tested version, necessitating image rebuilds and risking inadequately tested versions in production. Identification of environment-dependent container images involves spotting features like hardcoded IP addresses, passwords, and environment-specific prefixes.

Best practice: Create generic images independent of specific runtime settings. Containers enable the consistent use of a single image throughout the software lifecycle, promoting simplicity and efficiency.

Separate application and infrastructure deployment

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows defining and deploying infrastructure like writing code. While deploying infrastructure through a pipeline is advantageous, separating infrastructure and application deployment is crucial.

Issue: Using a single pipeline for both infrastructure and application deployment leads to resource and time wastage, especially when changes in application code outpace infrastructure changes.

Best practice: Split infrastructure and application deployment into separate pipelines to optimize efficiency and resource utilization.

Eliminate specific order in deployment

Maintaining application stability despite delays in dependencies is crucial in container orchestration. Unlike traditional fixed startup orders, Kubernetes and containers initiate components simultaneously.

Issue: Challenges arise when poor network latency disrupts communication, potentially causing pod crashes or temporary service unavailability.

Best practice: Proactively anticipate failures, establish frameworks to minimize downtime, and adopt strategies for simultaneous component initiation to enhance application resilience.

Set memory and CPU limits for pods problem

The default Kubernetes setting without specified resource limits allows an application to potentially monopolize the entire cluster, causing disruptions.

Best practice: Establish resource limits for all applications, conduct a thorough examination of each application’s behavior under various conditions, and strike the right balance to optimize cluster performance.

Avoid pulling the latest tag in production problem

Using the “latest” tag in production leads to unintended pod crashes as images are pulled down sporadically, lacking specificity.

Best practice: Use specific and meaningful image tags, maintain the immutability of container images, store data outside containers in persistent storage, and avoid modifying containers post-deployment for safer and more repeatable deployments.

Segregate production and non-production workloads problem

Relying on a single cluster for all operational needs poses challenges. Security concerns arise from default permissions and complications with non-namespaced Kubernetes resources.

Best practice: Establish a second cluster exclusively for production purposes, avoiding complexities associated with multi-tenancy. Maintain at least two clusters—one for production and one for non-production.

Refrain from ad-hoc deployments with kubectl edit/patch problem

Configuration drift occurs when multiple environments deviate due to unplanned deployments or changes, leading to failed deployments.

Best practice: Conduct all deployments through Git commits for comprehensive history, precise knowledge of cluster contents, and easy recreation or rollback of environments.

Implement health checks with liveness and readiness probes problem

Neglecting health checks can lead to various issues. Overly complex health checks with unpredictable timings can cause internal denial-of-service attacks within the cluster.

Best practice: Configure health probes for each container, use liveness and readiness probes, and prioritize robust health checks for reliable application responsiveness.

Prioritize secret handling and use vault problem

Embedding secrets directly into containers is poor practice. Using multiple secret handling methods or complex injection mechanisms can complicate local development and testing.

Best practice: Use a consistent secret handling strategy, consider HashiCorp Vault, handle secrets uniformly across environments, and pass them to containers during runtime for enhanced resilience and security.

Use controllers and avoid running multiple processes per container problem

Directly using pods in production poses limitations. Pods lack durability, automatic rescheduling, and data retention guarantees. Running multiple processes in a single container without controllers can lead to issues.

Best practice: Utilize Deployment with a replication factor, define one process per container, use multiple containers per pod if necessary, and leverage workload resources like Deployment, Job, or StatefulSet for reliability and scalability.