Internet Primer
IP Address
- 32-bit address, unique identifier of computer on a network.
- addressing scheme used by computers is known as IP addressing.
- four cluster of 8-bits using decimal notation.
- to assign IP addresses to computers
- help us translate IP addresses to human-comprehensible names.
- analogy: yellow pages directory (business names into phone numbers).
- there’s no really a DNS record of the entire internet.
- DNS server like (Google) act like aggregators, collecting smaller sets of DNS information and pooling them together, updating frequently.
- DNS record sets are thus fairly decentralized.
- port 53.
Access Points
- router behaves as a traffic cop (NAT) that allows data requests from all of the devices on your local network to be processed through a single IP address.
- soho networks consist of access points that combines a router, a modem, a switch, and other technologies together into a single device.
Internet Protocol (IP): connection-less protocol for getting information from a sending machine to a receiving machine.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - directing the transmitted packet to the correct program on the receiving machine.
dictate how information is communicated from machine to machine and application to application (IP and TCP, respectively).
it is important to be able to identify where the receiver is and what the packet is for.
TCP and IP are inseparable pair (TCP/IP).
each program/utility/service on a machine is assigned a port number, coupled with IP address allows to uniquely identify a specific program on a specific machine.
TCP is crucial for guaranteeing delivery of packets.
TCP does by including:
- information about how many packets the receiver should expect to get and in what order,
- transmitting that information alongside the data.
TCP/IP Steps
when data is sent:
- TCP breaks it into smaller chunks and communicates those packets to the computer’s network software, adding a TCP layer onto the packet.
- IP routes the individual packages from sender to receiver; this info is part of the IP layer surrounding the packet.
- on receiving end, TCP looks at the header to see which program it belongs to and present those packets to destination program into proper order.
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- protocol for how to interpret the data that was sent.
- application layer protocol which specifically:
- dictates the format by which client request web pages from server and
- the format via which server return information to clients.
method request-target http-version
GET / HTTP/1.1 ------------------------> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Host: Content-Type: text/html
RGB Representation
- Why in Hexadecimal? convenient representation, makes easier to understand.
- Hexadecimal ->
- Binary ->
#11111111 11111111 11111111
- Decimal ->
#255 255 255
- Hexadecimal ->
- FF -> represents 255
# Deep Understanding
16^1 = 16 16^0 = 1
* *
= 16 * 15 + 1 * 15 = 255
Big O vs Omega
- Big O - upper bound (O)
- Omega - lower bound (Ω)
- Theta -> both same
- space and time complexity are converse
- bubble sort sometimes can win if already sorted.
Data Structure
- orphaned memory leads memory leaks. (linked list)
Weird Algorithm
sleep_sort() {
while [ -n "$1" ]
(sleep $1; echo $1) &
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