is Network Mapper used for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap can be used for enumeration to identify open ports and services. Enumeration in Cybersecurity is information gathering technique.
Some of the scripts in this category are considered intrusive and should not be run against a target network without permission.
# Active host, network discovery
sudo nmap -sn
# Scan all ports, takes longer.
sudo nmap -p- <target-ip-addr>
# Enable version detection, name and description of identified services.
sudo nmap -sV <target-ip-addr>
# Performs a script scan using the default set of scripts
sudo nmap -sC <target-ip-addr>
# Aggressive scan.
nmap -A <target-ip-addr>
# Aggressive, OS detection, Time Template Aggressive, Scan for vulnerability.
nmap -A -O -T4 --script=vuln <target-ip-addr>
# Version, perform script, 5000 packets per second, all ports
nmap -sV -sC -T4 –min-rate 5000 -p- <target-ip-addr>
RFC 9293 states that: “If the connection is CLOSED or doesn’t exists, then a RST is sent in response.”
ping sweep
For black box penetration testing, “ping sweep” become very handy to map network structure with active IP address of hosts. Nmap provides -sn
switch followed by IP range or CIDR notation to perform it.
nmap -sn
nmap -sn
Nmap Options
Options | Description |
-sS | TCP SYN scan |
-sT | TCP connect scan |
-sU | UDP scans |
-sN; -sF; -sX | TCP NULL, FIN, and Xmas scans, used for firewall evasion. Microsoft Windows/Cisco devices respond with a RST to any malformed TCP packet |
-sC | Performs a script scan using the default set of scripts. It is equivalent to –script=default. |
-sV | Enables version detection, which will detect what versions are running on what port. |
-O; –osscan-guess; –fuzzy | Enable OS detection, guess near-match possibilities |
-A | Aggressive Scan. Presently this enables OS detection (-O), version scanning (-sV), script scanning (-sC) and traceroute (–traceroute) |
-p- | This flag scans for all TCP ports ranging from 0-65535 |
-p | Scan specified ports |
–min-rate <no. packet/sec> | This is used to specify the minimum number of packets Nmap should send per second; it speeds up the scan as the number goes higher |
Timing Templates
T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 |
Paranoid | Sneaky | Polite | Normal | Aggressive | Insane |
Understanding Network Traffic
Changing the TCP connection options in nmap or using browser changes the type of network traffic in Wireshark. Differentiating all network scan traffic:
- Browser:
The network traffic captured shows full TCP handshake (
) for each new TCP connection. This is because the browser is establishing a full connection to retrieve the requested web page. - Nmap Scan with
(TCP SYN Scan): The network traffic sent is (SYN, SYN-ACK
). If nmap receives SYN-ACK then it indicates the port is open. There is no complete handshake with an ACK packet instead Nmap immediately sends anRST
packet to close the connection referred to as (a half-open scan). This makes the scan faster and less likely to be logged by the target system. - Nmap Scan with
(TCP Connect Scan): The network traffic sent is a full TCP connection (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK
) with each target port. This type of scan is more likely to be logged by the target system because it establishes a full connection
Understanding NSE
The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is a powerful reconnaissance tool used for vulnerabilities scan, automating exploits.
Some categories include (Reference: TryHackMe):
category | description |
safe | Won’t affect the target |
intrusive | Not safe: likely to affect the target |
vuln | Scan for vulnerabilities |
exploit | Attempt to exploit a vulnerability |
auth | Attempt to bypass authentication for running services (e.g. Log into an FTP server anonymously) |
brute | Attempt to bruteforce credentials for running services |
discovery | Attempt to query running services for further information about the network (e.g. query an SNMP server). |